What would life be like for you to be fully funded? What change would it make in your heart, family and ministry, if you had your full budget coming to you every month? Does that sound like a “Pipe-Dream” or a “Dream-Within-Reach”? We’ve had a 100% success rate. Every person who has used our materials/training/coaching methods have hit 100% of their budget. And most of the time, they’ve hit 100% before their “allotted” time. You can too!


Would you like to replace that heartfelt fear with faith, when support raising? I have found that many Christian workers start out in faith, but when the pressure comes they end up working and praying in fear. This becomes discouraging and damaging to their support raising journey. What if you could stay “in faith”? What if you were better equipped to deal with fear and rejection when the pressure is “on”?


Would you you like to have four, 30-Minute presentations, each one expressing a different main aspect of your ministry? Would you like to have a professional write your missions presentation? I’m not talking about watching a video and trying to do “what they do”. But I’m speaking about your story, your testimony, your mission placed in an excellent, proven missions presentation. Through the marvels of digital software, that is what is available to you the first day, with our training!


Would you you like to have four, 30-Minute presentations, each one expressing a different main aspect of your ministry? Would you like to have a professional write your missions presentation? I’m not talking about watching a video and trying to do “what they do”. But I’m speaking about your story, your testimony, your mission placed in an excellent, proven missions presentation. Through the marvels of digital software, that is what is available to you the first day, with our training!


Have you ever heard this or said this yourself? When you visit one person, now you have one person less on your call list. But, what if they gave you one, or several names of their friends to call. Doing a referral ask has often been challenging for missionaries raising support. We’ve included a referral ask as a part of our training that we believe you’ll find very easy to do.

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